Sunday, 15 November 2015

Face Mapping - What is your acne telling you?

There is a reason why acne appears in some areas of the face. Face mapping combines ancient Chinese medicine(Face: The window to your health)and clinical dermatological procedure. So today I will cover the basic of Face mapping so that next time when a pimple pops up on your face. You would know how to address the problem.

Face and your body

a. Upper forehead is directly linked to the digestive system(larger intestine and the bladder). When you intake a lot of junk or food that your body face trouble breaking down, there is a large build up of toxins. In such cases, try to take more antioxidant rich food or drinks like green tea, lemon water and berries.

b. Lower forehead, as per Chinese medicine, is associated with mind and spirit. If one is facing acne problems in this particular area, it might be because of irregular sleeping patterns, stress, depression, bad blood circulation etc. To avoid this, try to sleep early, find ways to de-stress your mind.You can do meditation or go for a spa day.

c. Nose is associated with the heart. Acne in this area might be the cause of blood pressure or stress.

d. Break outs near your eyebrow might be caused due to high fat diet or high consumption of alcohol. In this case you know what NOT to do.

e. When one gets acne on ears, it is when the kidneys are not getting taken care of. Kidney troubles are often caused because of not drinking enough water or taking too much salt and caffeine. Drink plenty of water, cut down on sodium and cleanse your kidneys.

f. Right side of the cheeks is directly associated with your lungs. Pimples here might be caused due to allergies, respiratory stress or smoking.

g. Acne near the mouth or chin area are caused due to issues in stomach or small intestine. It could be because of eating too much of fast food or constipation. Have more fresh food with high fibers such as vegetable, fruits or whole grain foods.

h. If you have breakouts in the area of side of the chin, it might be because of issues with menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalance or overwork of kidneys(due to stress). Try to relax.

This is the basic that I could cover today. I hope this helps and you are prepared the next time you get a pimple. Also, if you face severe acne it is best that you consult your dermatologist.

Till next time.
Take care.
Nisha Negi

Image sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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